Wednesday, November 27, 2013

23 Weeks!

Whoa! I think we both had a growth spurt this week!

Some updates:
  • Baby K is the size of a grapefruit!
  • We are finalizing our plans for the nursery furniture and hope to order some pieces in the next couple of days!
  • The latest cravings include fruit juice and popsicles (lemon-flavored, especially), lima beans (as always), and chocolate milk!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

22 Weeks!

Stella wanted to help hold the sign this week. She's already such a good big sister! :)

This week's updates:
  • Baby boy is the size of a papaya!
  • We toured the hospital where he'll be born!
  • I can't seem to get enough fruit and fruit juice!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

We're making progress!

At our ultrasound appointment, we were told that Baby K is having no trouble whatsoever packing on weight! At that appointment, he weighed in at 15 whole ounces, which put him at the 65th percentile! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one growing. :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Drumroll, please...

We are THRILLED to share that we are expecting a healthy baby BOY!!! 
Thank you to all who shared your guesses in our poll! It was a close race, but at the very end, 55% of the vote went for "boy". We're sure that's what made all the difference. :) 

Alex would like to share one of his favorite videos that captures this special occasion, so feel free to enjoy that here. :) 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Share your Prediction!

Welcome to our blog! We are excited to share updates about our growing family and our adventures in Indiana with all of you, near and far. Before we dive into chronicling our home projects, fun family visits, and explorations of our new town, we have some important and exciting business to attend to. On Wednesday, we will visit the doctor for our mid-pregnancy ultrasound, and we hope to find out if sweet baby K is a little lady or a wee gent. We thought it would be fun to collect our family and friends' predictions before we "officially" find out, and we invite you to share your guess in the comments section of this post, or on the survey found here.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

And just in case visuals might influence your prediction, enjoy these recent photos of Baby K's progress. :)

We're excited to share our news later this week!