Thursday, February 13, 2014

34 Weeks!

Wow…I've never before noticed how close 34 feels to 40. It's really starting to sink in that we'll be meeting our tiny love sometime in the very near future! How exciting!!!! This week, we officially "graduated" from our Childbirth Education class, and we had such a great experience that we're both a little sad that it's over! Here's our cute little certificate of achievement:

Also this week, we're hoping to finish up some more decorating projects in the nursery, and I'm grabbing the last few items to pack in my hospital bag. We're getting close!!! And now for the belly photos:

This week's updates:
  • Baby K is the size of a cantaloupe! He's likely weighing in around 5 pounds, and may be getting closer to 19 inches in length.
  • Some research suggests that he's recognizing and reacting to simple songs I sing, and may be more soothed by these familiar tunes if I continue singing them once he's out in the world. Crazy!
  • This week seems to be marking a transition in my 3rd trimester experience, as I'm just now starting to understand what folks mean when they say this is the hardest phase. Sleep is ever-elusive, and my body DEFINITELY feels pregnant. I'm pretty lucky to have a husband who doesn't mind giving me daily back rubs! :) 

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