Wednesday, April 2, 2014

40 Weeks & 29!

Disclaimer: We are WAY behind on our blog posting, and in an effort to keep all of our many updates organized, we're going to retrospectively write a few separate posts to document the goings-on in our lives.

March 25th finally arrived!!! I officially turned 29, and baby boy's due date came with much anticipation. :) My mama was in town to celebrate any birthdays that might be happening, and she and I started the day off with an early doctor's appointment to check in on baby K. The appointment went well, and after monitoring baby K's heart rate & my contractions, the doctor was thinking I was clear to go home and wait for things to get started on their own. Then he noticed a bit of the test paper he hadn't  seen before, and determined that I should actually head to the hospital instead, as baby K's heart rate was dipping a bit during my extended contractions. So we headed to the hospital to have some more tests done--a contraction stress test and an ultrasound, among other things. All throughout the testing, the doctor was saying he really thought I'd just be going home that night, as it was looking like baby K was tolerating the contractions well enough for us to again just wait and see when he felt like making his entrance on his own. About 7 hours later…still at the hospital…still being told I'd likely be going home that night…my water decided to break! :) It seemed that apparently baby K was a bit of a planner like his mama and was actually going to cooperate with his projected due date!! Eeeeee!!!!! Here is a photo of us at 40 weeks:

This week's updates:

  • At 40 weeks, baby K was the size of a jackfruit!
  • His hair and nails were still growing!
  • I was growing increasingly uncomfortable, and had been having fairly strong extended contractions at home. These would last anywhere from 3-8 minutes, so I didn't even know they were contractions!
  • My water and chocolate cravings were still going strong.
  • We were SO ready to meet our tiny angel!!!

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